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My Greatest Accomplishment Yet on My Last Trip To New York For Yoga Teacher Training

Did you know that at one time of my life I had a fear of going to New York? I would go occasionally, but it was very limited. Day trips. Stay overnight I would make up EVERY excuse in the book WHY I COULDN'T GO....too expensive, too difficult to get there, the list goes on and on. You name it, I said it. And it bothered me that I let my fear get the best of me. I always said I wanted to conquer my fear of traveling to the City, because I knew deep in my heart that if I wanted to further my knowledge as a hairstylist, yoga teacher, and holistic lifestyle expert, I needed to feel the fear and do it anyway. The opportunity came my way when I went to my first Yoga Teacher Training. I was excited. This would be my first step in conquering my fear. Did you know that at one time of my life I had a fear of going to New York? I would go occasionally, but it was very limited; mostly the New York Hair Show. Stay overnight? No FREAKIN' WAY!!!! I would make up EVERY excuse in the book WHY I COULDN'T go on my own....too expensive, too difficult to get there, the list goes on and on. You name it, I said it. And it bothered me that I let my fear get the best of me. I always said I wanted to conquer my fear of traveling to the City, because I knew deep in my heart that if I wanted to further my knowledge as a hairstylist, yoga teacher, and holistic lifestyle expert, I needed to get over fear of traveling to the City.

The training and life lessons were awesome; my experience had high and low points; I remember calling my husband crying; (Manhattan is an INSANELY busy place; people EVERYWHERE! I've never SEEN so many people! )

"I feel so SMALL!" I said to him.

I was overwhelmed! What he said next put everything into perspective. "Honey, back in Vineland you know so many people; you can't go anywhere without running into someone you know (that happens when you live in the same town all your life plus work as a hairstylist for over 30 years; you get to know a LOT of people!) and at home you are a big fish in a little pond. In New York you're a little fish in a big pond, and it's ok to feel that way!"

He said it with a little chuckle, and that made me laugh too! I got what he was saying, and at that exact minute, got over my fear of going to New York!

Hey, New York isn't that bad after all!

I decided to take my future New York adventures in small stages I could manage; the first time I went, I stayed in a hotel with other yoga teachers who were in the teacher training. The next time I decided I would try going into the city by myself; I have a friend who lives in North Jersey, I would stay with her, and she would drop me off and pick me up at the train station. And feed me too. (She's awesome!)

When I became comfortable with that, I realized it was time to take the next step; a friend I met at the Loreal Academy recommended this really cool hotel in the West Village that suits my needs, while being reasonably priced. At this point I was driving myself to the train station, walking all over Manhattan, and hailing a cab like nobody's business!

There was one last NY fear I needed to get over.....taking the subway! You see, 5 out of the 6 times I've been here over the past couple of years, I have been within walking distance to wherever I needed to go; if not, just a short cab drive did just fine.

........Until this trip!

The studio where the teacher training is being held has two locations; Brooklyn and Manhattan.........

I didn't realize the Teacher Training was going to be held in Brooklyn...............

I found THAT out as I was packing for my trip the night before I was ready to leave.

Cab fare 25.00-30.00, or a shared Uber 11.00-28.00. Twice a day times 5? Pretty steep.

Subway ride? 2.50 each way.

It was time to check off the last thing on my New York bucket list.

"Ok, Cindy, put your big girl panties on and let's do this! It's time! You've got this!" I said to myself.

After Googling subway riding tips, asking the guy at the hotel desk, and two YouTube tutorials, (As you can see, I like to do my homework!) I was on my way! (I learned that Google Maps has a subway feature and it's super easy and foolproof! I highly recommend it!)

When I got on the train this morning, I felt a sense of empowerment sprinkled with a bit of nostalgia as I blinked back a few tears; you see, all this made me realize how far I have come on my journey with myself!

Where this journey is taking me, I sure don't know; it's been one hell of a ride so far, and I am definitely enjoying the scenery along the way!!

PLUS!!! I can hail a cab like a ROCKSTAR, AND NOW ride the subway like a CHAMP!!!!!

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